
Sell your vehicle

How it works with RightDrive

Schedule your appointment for your vehicle offer or bring your vehicle into our RightDrive located at 8320 Gateway East Blvd.

Get a same-day cash offer

Get your cash within 24 hours!

Vehicle Information1 / 4

Get started by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make and model, or your license plate.

History & Condition2 / 4
Photos (Optional)3 / 4
Contact Information4 / 4
Estimated Offer5 / 4

How Does it work?

RightDrive will give you a cash offer on your vehicle the same day. We can give you an estimate online and a cash offer when you bring your vehicle in for a physical appraisal.

How soon can I make my appointment?

Appointments are available same day, or you can bring your vehicle into RightDrive located at 8320 Gateway Blvd East.

How soon can I get my cash?

Once the cash offer has been validated nad agreed upon, RightDrive will give you your check within 1-2 days max.

What if my vehicle has issues?

No problem! RightDrive has expert mechanics that will diagnose any issues so we can give you an accurate cash offer on your vehicle. 

How does RightDrive determine the value of my vehicle?

We combine the vehicle details you provide, such as options, accident history, and mileage, along with data from service records, trusted pricing guides such as Manheim Mark Report, KBB, JD Power,CarFax, and our own market analysis. We analyze thousands of data points to create the most competitive offer in the market.